Rod Constraint Form

A Rod Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move together as a rigid rod, i.e., it is infinitely stiff in axial direction, but not constrained in any other direction. This constraint can be used to:

The constraint must apply to at least two joints to have any effect on the model. It is intended to be used on a set of joints that lie along a straight line. If the joints do not lie along a straight line, the constraint will effectively restrain the joints against rotation about the two bending axes, which is usually not desirable.

Use the following areas on the Rod Constraints form to make the appropriate entries:

If the Advanced > Define > Joint Constraints command was used to access the Rod Constraints form, the defined constraint must be assigned to the joints.


Access the Rod Constraints form as follows:


Click the Advanced > Define > Joint Constraints command to display the Define Constraints form, or select the joints to be constrained and click Advanced > Assign > Joints > Constraints command to display the Define/Assign Constraints form. Then do one of the following:

    • Select "Rod" from the Choose Constraint to Add drop-down list and click the Add New Constraint button.

    • Highlight a previously defined rod constraint in the Constraints display list and click the Modify/Show Constraint button.