Use the Bridge > Bridge Objects > Girder Rebar command to display the Bridge Girders Reinforcement Layout form and define transverse and longitudinal girder rebar for the model.
Select Bridge Object drop-down list. If multiple Bridge Object exist in the model, use this drop-down list to select the Bridge Object to which the reinforcement layout definition applies.
Select Bridge Girder drop-down list. Choose the girder to which the reinforcement is being applied.
Copy to button and drop-down list. With the parameters specified for the girder shown in the Select Bridge Girder drop-down list, the Copy to button can be used to copy those parameters to the girder selected in the drop-down list.
Units drop-down list. Specify the units to be used for the values entered on this form.
Transverse Rebar
Material drop-down list. Select the material definition for the transverse rebar.
Span, Location and Bar Size drop-down lists. Select the span to which rebar is being assigned; note that each span is specified separately. Choose a reference location for placement of the rebar (e.g., support at the end of the span -- a bent or abutment; center of the span) .Select the rebar size; modify this list using the Components > Type > Rebar Sizes command.
N. of Bars , Spacing and N. of Spaces edit boxes. Specify the number of rebar to be placed, the spacing between bars, and the number of spaces for rebar placement. Depending on the Location specified (Span Start, Span End, Span Center), the spacing distance and number is cumulatively specified at the start of the span forward from the start to end or at the end of the span forward from the end to the start of the span. In the case of a center placement, a single specification distance applies; the number of spaces is then program-calculated. Additionally, CSiBridge will automatically calculate the Start and End distances based on the number of bars, the spacing, and the number of spaces specified. Within and between spans, the start, end and middle specifications can be made in any order. However, all span-start specifications for a given span are processed in order from start to end. Similarly, all span-end specifications for a given span are processed in order from end to start.
Longitudinal Rebar
Material drop-down list. Select the material definition for the longitudinal rebar.
Bar Size drop-down list. Select the rebar size. Modify this list using the Components > Type > Rebar Sizes command.
N. of Bars edit box. Specify the number of rebar to be used.
Reference Line drop-down list. Specify the area of the rebar, spacing of the rebar and number of spaces for the longitudinal rebar.
Dist. Left and Dist. Right edit boxes. Use these edit boxes to specify the placement of the longitudinal rebar by specifying the distance from the specified Reference Line. For the left distance note that a positive value is before the reference location and a negative value is after the reference location. Conversely, for the right distance a positive value is after the reference line and a negative value is before the reference line.
Dis. Vertical edit box and From drop-down list. Specify the distance from the Top or Bottom of the section.
Add, Modify, and Delete buttons. After adding values to the preceding edit boxes and selecting items from the drop-down lists, use these buttons to add the rebar definitions or modify and delete previous data entries.
Girder Reinforcement Layout Plot and Scroll Bar. A schematic of the reinforcement will display and update automatically as changes are made to the parameters. The scroll bar can be used if the drawing is too wide for the display area.