Database Documentation to Word

Use the Database Documentation to Word form to create a file(s) in Microsoft Word format that identifies the types of data in the database, including a brief descriptions of the function of the data, the units, the format and the like.

Note:  Use the Choose Tables For form  to access the data within the database and display, print, or export the data in  Microsoft Word or Excel format.

  1. Click the Orb > Settings > Database Table Utilities and Settings command to display the Database Table Utilities and Settings form; click the Documentation to Word button to access the Database Documentation to Word form and specify the tables to be created in Microsoft Word file format.

  2. Choose an option:

  3. File Name and Set File Name button. Click the Set File Name button to display the Save Database Documentation As form and specify the file name for the document. After the file has been created, it can be opened as a document in the Microsoft Word program, version Word 97 or later.

Open Word File after Documentation is Created check box. When this check box is checked, Microsoft Word will launch automatically and open the newly created database file in Microsoft Word format.