Form: Advanced SapFire Options
Use the Analyze menu > Advanced SapFire Options command to access the Advanced SapFire Options form and select which numerical solver and analysis process should be used when running the analysis.
Solver Options: Choose from Standard Solver, Advanced Solver, or Multi-Threaded Solver. The Standard Solver is the slowest of the three options, but offers the most extensive reporting on instabilities that are encountered. The Advanced Solver is the default solver and is considerably (one or two orders of magnitude) faster than the Standard Solver. Although the Advanced Solver will report instabilities in the model, it will not provide any information about their location. The Multi-Threaded Solver is the fastest of the three solvers, offering the ability to use multi-processor systems, but issues no warning about instabilities. Therefore, if you are concerned that you might have instabilities in your model, it is probably best to start with either the Standard or Advanced Solvers until you are confident in the analysis.
Analysis Process Options: Choose from Auto, GUI Process or Separate Process. The Auto option is the default setting, and allows the program to determine whether the analysis process should be run as part of the GUI process, or run outside the GUI as a separate process. It is typically recommended that users select the Auto option.