{Frame, Shell} Assignments - Pier Label Form

Assign : {Frame, Shell} Assignments - Pier Label

A wall pier can be made from a combination of both shell objects (shell elements) and frame objects (frame elements). To report output forces for wall piers or to design wall piers, first define the piers labels.

 Define a wall pier by selecting all of the frame or shell  objects that make up the pier and assigning them the same pier name. If a wall pier is made up of both frame and shell  objects, assign the pier label to the frame and shell  objects separately. For example, assume a wall pier to be labeled P23 is made up of both frame and shell objects.

  1. Define the pier ID S23.

  2. Select the frame objects to be assigned the pier label.

  3. Click the Assign menu > Frame > Pier Label command to display the Frame Assignments - Pier Label  form.

  4. Select S23 from the display list and click the  Apply  button to make the assignment. Any previously assigned pier label will be replaced by this assignment.

  5. Select the shell objects to be assigned the pier label.

  6. Click the Assign menu > Shell > Pier Label command to display the Shell Assignments - Pier Label form.

  7. Select S23 from the display list to assign the shell objects to the same pier name as the frame objects.