Wind Load Pattern - {Code}

Additional Form:  Wind Exposure Width Data

Use the Wind Load Pattern - {Code}  form to review and modify the parameters for the specified wind load. The options on the form depend on the code selected in the Auto Lateral Load drop-down list on the Define Load Patterns form.

The code-specific forms share the following areas, although the specific parameters in a given area may vary from form to form:

The Direction Angles (use semicolon as separator) edit box can be used to specify the direction of the wind load. Multiple angles can be specified, separated by semicolons. The angels are measured relative to the X axis.

 Use the edit boxes to specify the Story and Diaphragm ID to which wind load is being applied. Also specify the Width and Depth of the diaphragm, and X and Y coordinates on a diaphragm-by-diaphragm basis. Right click in a cell to Cut, Copy, and Paste data within the spreadsheet area. Standard Windows Copy and Paste commands can be used to copy and paste data into the spreadsheet from another program, such as Excel, assuming that the original data has the appropriate tabular format.

The Add Row button can be used to add a data row and the Delete Row(s) button can be used to delete a row. The Sort Rows button will sort the rows of data based on the Story ID.

Note: Please refer to the Automated Lateral Loads manual for information about the code-specific parameters (Help menu > Documentation > Manuals > Lateral Loads Manual command).

Access the  Wind Load Pattern - {Code}  form as follows:

  1. Click the Define menu > Load Patterns command to access the Define Load Patterns form.

  2. Type a unique name for the load pattern in the Load edit box, select Wind from the Type drop-down list, and select an option other than None or User Load from the Auto Lateral Load drop-down list.

  3. Click the Add New Load button

  4. Highlight the newly define load pattern in the display area and click the Modify Lateral Load button.

After a Wind load pattern has been defined as described above, highlighting the name of the previously defined pattern and clicking the Modify Lateral Load button will also display the form.