Overwrite Frame Design Procedure

Form:  Overwrite Frame Design Procedure

The Design menu > Overwrite Frame Design Procedure command can be used to change the design postprocessor for a frame element as follows.

  1. Select the frame objects to which the overwrites are to be applied.

  2. Click the Design menu > Overwrite Frame Design Procedure command to access the Overwrite Frame Design Procedure form.

  3. Choose from the available options. Depending on the frame section assignment made to the frame object, several of the options may not be available, as follows.

Assign a steel frame element the No Design procedure if you do not want it designed by either the Steel Frame Design or the Composite Beam Design postprocessor.

The design procedure is not automatically updated as the model is modified. Thus if a frame object is drawn and the { Beam, Column, Brace} Information form for the frame is displayed by right clicking on it, the Design tab on the  { Beam, Column, Brace} Information form may be Null or outdated.

Display the current default design procedure for a frame object as follows:

  1. Click the Design menu and then click somewhere else to close the design menu. This automatically updates the design procedures.

  2. Right click on the frame object to display the  {Beam, Column, Brace} Information form. The Design Procedure is displayed on the Design tab.