Load Assigns

Forms:  Show Joint Loads, Show Frame Loads, Show Shell Loads, Show Tendon Loads

Click the Display menu > Load Assigns > Joint, Display menu > Load Assigns > Frame, Display menu > Load Assigns > Shell, and the Display menu > Load Assigns > Tendon  commands to display loads defined using the Define menu > Load Patterns command and assigned using the submenu commands of the Assign menu > Joint Loads, Assign menu > Frame Loads, Assign menu > Shell Loads, and the Assign menu > Tendon Loads commands.

Click the Display menu > Load Assigns command and choose one of the following load types to display the specified load in the active window. Note that for these options to be available, the type of load must have been assigned to the model. Right click on any object to access the Joint Information-Loads Tab, Frame, Beam, Column, Brace, Tendon Information-Loads Tab, or  Slab, Deck, Wall Information-Loads tab forms to review load assignments.

Note:  Click the Apply button to update the active window. When the Apply button is clicked, the  Show Joint Loads, Show Frame Loads, Show Shell Loads, or Show Tendon Loads form will remain open until it is closed by clicking the Close button. This allows selection of another load pattern for which a different load may be displayed. If only one load is being displayed, the OK button can be used to both display the load and close the form.

Important Note: When temperature loads are displayed, two numbers are shown for each frame object. Those two numbers correspond to the temperatures at the ends of the object.

If the effects of joint temperature were specified to not be included when the temperature load was assigned (see Temperature Load - Frame Objects, Include Effects of Joint Temperatures check box unchecked), the two displayed temperatures for the frame object are the same and are equal to the temperature assigned to the object. This is true regardless of any joint object temperatures that may be assigned to the joint objects at the end of the frame object.

If the effects of point temperature were specified to be included when the temperature load was assigned (Include Effects of Joint Temperatures check box checked), the two displayed temperatures for the frame object are equal to the temperature assigned to the object plus the temperature assigned to the joint object at the considered end of the frame object (see Temperature - Joints). In that case, the two displayed temperatures for a frame object may be different.

Display menu > Load Assigns > Shell command to access the Show Shell Loads form, which has the following options:

Important Note: When temperature loads are displayed, numbers are shown at each corner of the shell object. Those numbers correspond to the temperatures at the corners of the object.

If the effects of joint temperature were specified to not be included when the temperature load was assigned (see Temperature), the displayed temperatures for the shell object are the same and are equal to the temperature assigned to the object. This is true regardless of any joint object temperatures that may be assigned to the joint objects at the corners of the shell object.

If the effects of joint temperature were specified to be included when the temperature load was assigned, the displayed temperatures for the shell object are equal to the temperature assigned to the object plus the temperature assigned to the joint object at the considered corner of the shell object. In that case the displayed temperatures for a shell object may be different at each corner.

Display menu > Load Assigns > Tendon command to access the Show Tendon Loads form, which has the following options: