
Form: Replicate

The Edit menu > Replicate command can be used to generate a large model from a small model when the objects form a linear or radial pattern or are symmetrical about a plane. When objects are replicated, the assignments on those objects are also replicated (e.g., member properties and member loads). Thus, use Replicate rather than Copy and Paste when assignments to objects are also to be duplicated.  

Replicate one or more objects as follows:

  1. Select the object(s) to be replicated.

  2. Click the Edit menu > Replicate command.  

  3. Choose one of the following replication methods:

Replicate in a Linear Array

For linear replication, specify a dx, dy and a number of increments the object is to be replicated. The object and its assignments are then copied the specified number of times, each time incrementing the X and Y coordinates in the current coordinate system by the specified dx and dy. Check the Delete Original Objects check box to remove the selected objects from the model upon completion of the replication command.

The current coordinate system may be verified or changed using the coordinate system drop-down list in the lower right-hand corner of the main window.


Replicate in a Radial Array

For radial replication, specify a point in the current coordinate system to rotate the objects about, a rotation angle and the number of increments the object is to be replicated. The object and its assignments are then copied the specified number of times, each time incrementing the location of the objects by the specified rotation angle.

The rotation angle is input in degrees. Angles are measured from the positive current coordinate system X-axis. Positive angles appear counterclock-wise when you view them from above. Check the Delete Original Objects check box to remove the selected objects from the model upon completion of the replication command.



Replicate by Using the Mirroring Option

For replication using the mirror tab, specify the X and Y coordinates in the current coordinate system of two points that lie on the mirror line. The program replicates the selected objects by mirroring the objects and their assignments about the specified line. Check the Delete Original Objects check box to remove the selected objects from the model upon completion of the replication command. This command performs only one replication at a time.

Important Note: When using the replication feature, if a replicated object is placed in exactly the same location as an existing object, the replication does not occur at that location. The existing object remains unchanged.