Frame - Property Modifiers

Form:  Frame Property/Stiffness Modification Factor

Modification factors can be defined as part of frame section properties and assigned directly to frame objects. Note that when modification factors are assigned directly to a frames that also has modification factors defined as part of its frame section properties, the two factors are multiplied. Therefore, it is intended that modification factors be specified using a frame section property definition or a frameassignment, not both.

Note that the modification factors affect only the analysis properties. They do not affect the design properties. The SAP2000 default for all modification factors is 1.

      • Add New Property button. Click this button to display the Add Frame Section Property form. Use the form to select the type of section to be added to the model before accessing a form specific to the type of section selected. The Add Frame Section Property topic identifies the types of sections that can be added.

      • Add Copy of Property button. Highlight a previously defined frame property and then click this button to create a copy of the highlighted frame property definition. Then highlight that property and click the Modify/Show Property button.

Note: Modification factors cannot be assigned to Auto Select Section lists, which usually consist of multiple sections. If you select an Auto Select Section list from the list of names in the Properties area of the form, the Auto Selection Sections form appears. Close that form by clicking the Cancel button to return to the Frame Properties form and choose an individual section before continuing.

    1. Select the frame(s) to be assigned property modification factors.

    2. Click the Assign menu > Frame > Property Modifiers command to access the Frame Property/Stiffness Modification Factors form.

    3. On the Frame Property/Stiffness Modification Factors form, enter the desired value for the modification factors by typing the value in the edit box for the individual factors

    4. Click the OK button.

See Also

Selection List

Cable - Property Modifiers