Use the Grid Line form to specify the appearance and location of the selected grid line.
Grid Line ID edit box. Use the default grid line name or type a new name in the edit box.
Type of Grid Line options. Choose to specify the grid line as a Straight Line, or an Arc.
Plan Coordinates, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, XC, YC edit boxes. Use these edit boxes to specify the location for the grid line.
Primary Line or Secondary Line options. Choose to specify the grid line as a primary or secondary grid line.
Hide Grid Line check box. When this check box is checked, the grid line will not display in the model.
Switch Bubble Location check box. By default, the ID bubble for the X grid displays at the end of the grid line, the bubble for the Y grid displays at the start of the grid line, and the bubble for the Z grid displays at the end of the grid line. When this check box is checked, the ID bubble for the grid line will be displayed opposite to its default location (e.g., the X grid bubble will display at the start of the grid line).
Bubble Size edit box. Use this edit box to specify the size of the ID bubble for the grid line in pixels.
Color display box. This display box shows the color that will be used to display the grid lines. Click on the color to display the Color form and select another color.
Apply to All check boxes. When any of these check boxes is checked, the associated parameter will be applied to all grid lines in the model not only the grid line specified in the Grid Line ID edit box.
Access the Grid Line form as follows: