CF - View/Revise Overwrites

Form:  Concrete Frame Design Overwrites for {Code}

Concrete frame design overwrites are basic properties that apply only to the frame objects to which they  are specifically assigned. Default values are provided for all concrete  frame overwrite items. Thus, it is not required that you specify or change any of the overwrites. However, at least review the default values for the overwrite items to make sure they are acceptable.

Some of the default overwrite values are based on concrete frame preferences. Thus define the preferences before defining the overwrites (and before designing or checking any concrete frame members).

When changes are made to overwrite items, the program applies the changes only to the objects to which they are specifically assigned; that is, to the objects that are selected when the overwrites are changed.

Change an overwrite as follows:

Be sure to check, and as necessary, change the Concrete Frame Design Preferences  before completing the following steps.

  1. Select the frame object(s) for which overwrites are to be specified.

  2. Click the Design menu > Concrete Frame Design > View/Revise Overwrites command, which brings up the Concrete Frame Design Overwrites form. The concrete frame overwrites are displayed with an Item column and a Value column. The Item Description area displays a short description of any item selected in the Item/Value columns. The description is provided to help you recall the purpose of the overwrite item.

Note:  The Overwrites button on the Concrete Column Design Information {Code} or Concrete Beam Design Information {Code} form can also be used to display the Concrete Frame Design Overwrites form.

  1. Left click in the Value column to activate a drop-down box or to highlight the contents of the cell.

  1. Click the OK button to close the form. The program then changes all of the overwrite items whose associated check boxes are checked for the selected frame/cable object(s).