Form: Member Force/Stress Diagram for Frames, Diagrams for Frame Object
Use the Home > Display > Show Frame/Cable/Tendon Force Diagrams command to display column, beam, brace, or cable forces and stresses directly on the CSiBridge model.
Define a load case (or use the default DEAD or MODAL cases) and run an analysis.
Click the Home > Display > Show Frame/Cable/Tendon Force Diagrams command to display the Member Force/Stress Diagram for Frames form. Use the form to specify the parameters for the display.
Case/Combo Name drop-down list. Choose the Load Case or Combination to be displayed.
Multivalued Options. The type of load case/combination determines the option(s) available:
For multi-mode cases, choose the mode number for which results are to be shown.
For multi-step cases, choose the step number, time step, or frequency step; choose Envelope to view the maximum and/or minimum results over all steps.
For Steady-State load cases, choose the phase angle or resultant.
Type options. Specify whether to display internal forces or stresses.
Forces: Internal forces are available for all frame and cable sections.
Stresses: Axial stress S11 is available for all frame and cable sections. The shear stresses S12 and S13 are available for certain types of frame sections. When shear stresses are available, principal stresses Smax and SMin and von Mises stress SVM are also available for algebraic (non-envelope) load cases and combinations. See Technical Note "Frame Stress Calculation" for more information.
Component options. Specify which component of force or stress is to be displayed. Only one component can be displayed at a time. For stress components, also choose the Stress Point:
Point 0 is the centroid for all sections except the tube and pipe. This is the only location available for cable objects.
Points 1, 2, 3, etc., are specific to each different type of frame section property. The range available corresponds to the maximum number of points for any type of frame section property present in the model. Zero stress will be plotted for objects that do not report at the selected stress point. See Technical Note “Frame Stress Calculation” for more information.
Stress Max plots the maximum stress over all the stress points at each station. When an enveloping load case or combination is displayed, this is the maximum stress at any point for the envelope maximum, and the maximum stress at any point for the envelope minimum.
Stress Min plots the minimum stress over all stress points at each station. When an enveloping load case or combination is displayed, this is the minimum stress at any point for the envelope maximum, and the minimum stress at any point for the envelope minimum.
Stress Max/Min plots either or both the maximum and minimum stresses over all stress points at each station. When a single-valued load case or combination results are displayed, this is either the maximum stress or the minimum stress at any point, whichever has the larger absolute value. When an enveloping load case or combination is displayed, this is the maximum stress at any point for the envelope maximum and the minimum stress at any point for the envelope minimum.
Scaling options. Select the Auto option to have CSiBridge automatically determine a scaling factor. Select the Scale Factor option to specify a scale factor.
CSiBridge calculates the scale factor as a multiple of the default font size. The advantage to determining the scale factor as a multiple of the default font size is that the default font size is limited by a specified minimum and maximum size that is specified using the Orb > Settings > Tolerances command. This helps keep the automatically determined scale factor within a reasonable range most of the time. If the automatic scale factor does not give the desired results, use the Scale Factor option and specify a factor.
Options. Choose the Fill Diagram or Show Values on Diagram option:
Fill Diagram: Display diagrams filled with color, but without text values.
Show Values on Diagram: Display diagrams unfilled and show controlling values as text.
With forces displayed on the model, note the following:
Use the left and right arrow buttons on the status bar to quickly display forces/stresses for other single-step analysis cases, or other steps in the current load case.
Multi-valued cases and combinations plot a range of values.
For frame elements, exact values are plotted at all output station locations. Those exact values are then connected by straight-line segments to complete the force diagram.
Force and stress values are not shown within the end offsets specified for each member.
Right click on a member to pop up a detailed frame results window (i.e., Diagrams for Frame Object form). Use the drop-down lists and buttons on that form to control the display:
Load Case/Combo
Step number or Envelope type
Result Type and Component (Item)
Stress Point, when applicable
These controls are similar to those described above. In addition, the user can control where the results are displayed using the Display Options:
Scroll for Values: Click and drag the mouse over the display areas to show values at the corresponding stations, or enter a specific station in the Location edit box.
Show Max: Show the station with the maximum absolute value.
I-End and J-End buttons: These move the cursor to the respective end of the member.
See Also
Technical Note "Frame Stress Calculation" available by using command Orb > Resources > Documentation > Technical Notes.