Use the Beam form to specify the following items by typing directly in the edit boxes or checking or unchecking the check boxes. A drawing of the beam will be shown in the small display box.
Beam Dimensions
Number of Spans edit box. Specify the number of spans for the beam in this edit box.
Span Length edit box. Specify the length of each span in this edit box.
Use Custom Grid Spacing and Locate Origin check box and Edit Grid button. When this check box is checked and the Edit Grid button is clicked, the Define Grid System Data form displays. Use the form to specify the grid spacing and to locate the origin as needed.
Section Properties
Beams drop-down list. CSiBridge will suggest a section property for the beam in this drop-down list. The section property will apply to the entire length of the beam/each span.
TIP: Click the + (plus) symbol next to the drop-down list to access the Frame Properties form; use that form to add, modify or delete a frame section definition. The Advanced > Assign > Frames > Frame Sections command can be used to change the section property later, if needed.
Restraints check box. When this check box is checked, CSiBridge will assign default restraints to each point at the base of the model.
Access the Beam form as follows: