{Curve} Interaction Surface Definition for {Property Name} Form

Use the {Curve} Interaction Surface Definition for {Property Name}  form to define, review and modify the interaction surface (P-M2-M3) or curve (P-M2, P-M3, M-2M3). The options available on the form depend on the type of interactive hinge. The options are common to all hinge types unless noted otherwise.

Note the tips in the Interaction Surface Requirements area in the lower left corner of the form. These tips explain the requirements for the various interaction surface options to assist in understanding the input on this form.

Important Notes:


For the axial load values, tension should always be input as positive and compression should always be input as negative. This is opposite the design convention for concrete but is consistent with the analysis convention and the steel-design convention.


The angle associated with each M column is indicated in the Interaction Surface Requirements area in the lower left corner of the form. Angle 0 corresponds to the +M2 axis (usually the minor moment), Angle 90 corresponds to +M3 (usually the major moment), and so on. The moment values in each M column should always be input as positive values.


When entering values in the P column of the spreadsheet, the plot at the right-hand side of the form shows the P versus M Curve 1 diagram. When entering values in an M column, the plot at the right of the form shows P versus the M Curve associated with the cursor location.

      • Check Full Curve button. If the hinge type is P-M2, P-M3, or M2-M3, use this button to check the acceptability of the curve after changes have been made in the spreadsheet

      • For P-M2-M3 hinge types only:

        • 3D Plot, Plan, Elevation, and Aperture arrow buttons and 3D, MM, PM3 and PM2 buttons. Use these buttons to adjust the graphical display of the interaction surface in the lower right corner of the form. Angle values can also be typed directly into the edit boxes.

        • Show All Lines check box. Check this check box to display all lines on the graphical display to the right of the check box.

        • Hide P Direction Lines check box. Check this check box to hide the P Direction Lines on the graphical display to the right of the check box.

        • Hide M2-M3 Lines check box. Check this check box to hide the M2-M3 Lines on the graphical display to the right of the check box.

        • Insert Curve button. Click this button to insert another curve in the plot.

        • Delete Curve button. Click this button to delete a curve.

        • Check Surface button. After making changes to the spreadsheet, click this button to have SAP2000 verify the acceptability of the interaction surface. SAP2000 will display a message box confirming acceptability or identifying the condition that makes the surface unacceptable.

      • Highlight Current Curve check box. Check this check box to display the current curve on the graphical display to the right of the check box. The "current curve" is the curve selected in the Current Curve drop-down list near the top of the form.

See Also

Frame Hinge Property Data Form

Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Analysis

Assign > Frame > Hinges

Pushover Curve

Display the {Curve} Interaction Surface Definition for {Property Name} form as follows:

  1. Click the Define menu > Section Properties > Hinge Properties command to display the Define Frame Hinge Properties form. Then do one of the following:

    • Click the Add New Property button to display the Frame Hinge Property Data form.

      1. Select the Deformation or Force Controlled option.

      2. Select an interacting hinge type from the drop-down list

      3. Click the Modify/Show Hinge Property button to access the Frame Hinge Property Data for {Property Name} form for the selected Hinge Type.

    • Highlight a previously defined interacting hinge property (P-M2, P-M3, M2-M3, P-M2-M3) in the Defined Hinge Props area of the form and click the Modify/Show Hinge Property button to access the Frame Hinge Property Data for {Property Name} form for the selected Hinge Type.  

  2. Click the Modify/Show {Hinge Type} Interaction Surface Data button (deformation controlled) or Modify/Show {Hinge Type} Interaction Surface (Capacity) Data  button (force controlled) to display the Frame Hinge Interaction Surface form.

  3. Check the User Definition check box and click the Define/Show User Interaction Surface button to display the {Curve} Interaction Surface Definition for {Property Name} form.