Frame Hinge Property Data Form

Use the Frame Hinge Property Data form to add a new frame hinge property definition or modify an existing definition.

  1. Choose the Force Controlled or Deformation Controlled option.

  2. Select the type of hinge from the drop-down list.

Hinge properties in SAP2000 define only the plastic behavior of the hinge. The elastic behavior of the frame element is determined by the frame section (and hence material properties) assigned to the element. Thus, the linear behavior of the structure is not changed by the assignment of hinges to the frame objects.

The portions of the hinge load-deformation curve from A to B and from A to B’ are ignored by the program. After a hinge yields at point B, plastic deformation is determined by the curve B-C-D-E with all plastic deformation measured relative to B. Similarly, plastic deformation in the negative direction is measured relative to B’.

The elastic slope of a hinge is actually given by the elastic stiffness of the element over the assumed length of the hinge. The strain-hardening slope is the slope of line BC.

See Also

Frame Hinge Property Data for {Property Name} - Fiber P-M2-M3 Form

Frame Hinge Property Data for {Property Name} Form - Deformation Controlled

Frame Hinge Property Data for {Property Name} Form - Force Controlled

Frame Hinge Property Data for {Property Name} - Interacting Hinge Type Form


Access the Frame Hinge Property Data form as follows:

  1. Click the Define menu > Section Properties > Hinge Properties command to display the Define Frame Hinge Properties form.

  2. Click the Add New Property button, or highlight a previously defined hinge property in the Defined Hinge Props area of the form, and then click the Modify/Show Property button to display the Frame Hinge Property Data form. Note that if an Auto hinge property is highlighted, the Frame Hinge Property Data form will appear for display purposes only; the options will not be available for editing.

The Frame Hinge Property Data form can also be displayed by clicking the Display menu > Show Hinge Results command to display the Hinge Results form. Then click the Show Hinge Property Definition button.