AL - Select Design Combinations

Form:  Design Load Combinations Selection

Click the Design menu > Aluminum Frame Design > Select Design Combo command to open the Design Load Combinations Selection form. It is not necessary to run the analysis or select an object before using the command; however, the program will not generate the code-generated automatic load combinations until at least one analysis and design iteration has been run, and therefore, the automatic load combinations will not be shown until design has been run. Use the form to review and modify the design load combinations used during design.

Note:   If a user-defined combination(s) is to be used in design, it must be selected as described herein, regardless of whether the combo was created manually (Define menu options) or if the combination(s) is based on code (Define menu, Add Default Design Combos button)  The program automatically selects those combos that are created when the Automatically Generate Code-Based Design Load Combinations check box is checked (see next bullet). Note also that these automatically generated combos are regenerated (i.e., replaced) after each design run.

The default aluminum frame design load combinations have names such as DALM1, DALM2 and so forth.


See Also

Load Combination