Nudge Feature

IMPORTANT:  The Nudge Feature can be used in a Plan View only

Use the Nudge Feature to move any selected joint, frame, shell, tendon, or design strip object, as well as selected dimensions lines, by a specified distance. The distance that an object(s) is nudged is specified using the Snap Options  form, which is accessed using the Draw menu > Snap To command.

Use the nudge feature as follows:

  1. Select the item(s) to be nudged.

  2. Hold down the Ctrl key and then use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the item in the desired direction:

Note the following about the nudge feature:

Note that the Edit menu > Merge Joints and Edit menu > Edit Shells > Merge Shells command may be applicable in some cases to restore connectivity to the moved objects. The Edit menu > Align Joints/Frames/Edges command also may be helpful.