IMPORTANT: The Nudge Feature can be used in a Plan View only
Use the Nudge Feature to move any selected joint, frame, shell, tendon, or design strip object, as well as selected dimensions lines, by a specified distance. The distance that an object(s) is nudged is specified using the Snap Options form, which is accessed using the Draw menu > Snap To command.
Use the nudge feature as follows:
Select the item(s) to be nudged.
Hold down the Ctrl key and then use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the item in the desired direction:
Ctrl key + right arrow key = nudges the object in the positive global X direction.
Ctrl key plus + left arrow key = nudges the object in the negative global X direction.
Ctrl key plus + up arrow key = nudges the object in the positive global Y direction.
Ctrl key plus + down arrow key = nudges the object in the negative global Y direction.
Objects cannot be nudged in the Z direction.
Note the following about the nudge feature:
Similar to the Edit menu > Move Joints/Frames/Edges command, if an area object is selected without selecting the corner points of the object, the area object moves but the point objects at the corners of the area object do not move when the area object is nudged. In that case, new point objects are created at the corners of the area object in its new position. In all cases, the area object is disconnected from other objects when it is nudged.
Similar to the Edit menu > Move Joints/Frames/Edges command, if a line object is selected without selecting the end points of the line object, the frame object moves but the point objects at the ends of the line object do not move when the line object is nudged. In that case, new point objects are created at the ends of the line object in its new position. In all cases, the line object is disconnected from other objects when it is nudged.
Similar to the Edit menu > Move Joints/Frames/Edges command, when a point object is selected, all of the objects connected to the point move too; they are reoriented or resized, or both. Unlike area and line objects, the point object does not disconnect from the objects to which it is attached when it is nudged.
Note that the Edit menu > Merge Joints and Edit menu > Edit Shells > Merge Shells command may be applicable in some cases to restore connectivity to the moved objects. The Edit menu > Align Joints/Frames/Edges command also may be helpful.