Snap Options

Form: Snap Options

The  Draw menu > Snap Options command accesses the Snap Options form, which has the Snap To options as well as snap increments and spacing and tolerance settings

The ETABS snap options allows drawing and editing operations to "snap to" various items in the model.  The six snap options can be toggled on or off in any combination using the Draw menu > Snap Options command or by clicking one of the six snap feature toolbar buttons, or right clicking in the background (not on an object) of a display window and selecting the Snap Options command. Use the following procedure with the snap commands:

  1. If the appropriate snap tool is not already activated, select the corresponding toolbar button or the Draw menu > Snap Options command. Some options do not work in some views. If a command does not appear to be working, switch to another view and try again.

  1. Move the mouse pointer in the graphics window. When a snap location is found close to the mouse pointer, a dot appears at the snap location as well as a text field describing the snap location (see the Screen Snap To Tolerance bullet in Settings, below).

  1. When the desired snap location is found, click the left mouse button to accept it.

  2. Modify the snap options if necessary and continue drawing or editing objects.

Note: When the options have been selected on the form, click the Apply button to implement the changes. The Snap Options form will remain open until the Close button is clicked.

Snap buttons

Snap Increments - Choose an option to have the program snap to specific lengths when drawing any object using lines (beams, shell edges, walls, dimension lines).

(Imperial in Inches) Snap at length increments of - Enter the increments in inch units separated by a semi-colon; any number of increments may be specified. When drawing the object, the cursor will snap to any length dimension that is divisible by one of the specified increments. The length is displayed while drawing.

(Metric in mm) Snap at length increments of -  Enter the increments in mm units separated by a semi-colon; any number of increments may be specified. When drawing the object, the cursor will snap to any length dimension that is divisible by one of the specified increments. The length is displayed while drawing.

(Degree) Snap at angle increments of -  Enter the angle in degrees; only one angle increment may be specified. When drawing the object, the cursor will snap to any angle that is divisible by the specified increment. The angle is displayed while drawing.


If more than one snap option is active and the mouse pointer is located within the screen snap to tolerance of two different model elements (i.e., grid intersections and points; frame ends and midpoints; intersections; perpendicular projections; lines and edges; and fine grid), ETABS will execute the snap to options in the sequence shown in the list of snap to options.  Example. This is true even if the item associated with the other snap option is closer to the mouse pointer as long as both items are still within the screen snap to tolerance. When two model elements are within the screen snap to tolerance of the mouse pointer, the snap occurs to the first drawn item, which may or may not be the closest item.

See also


Drawing Constraints in ETABS