Interactive Design

Forms: Interactive Composite Beam Design and Review

Interactive composite beam design is a feature that lets you review the design results for any composite beam, select the best design from the various acceptable designs, and interactively change the design assumptions and immediately view the results.

Access Interactive Composite Beam Design and Review as follows:

  1. Select the Analyze menu > Run Analysis command to analyze the model.

  2. Select the Design menu > Composite Beam Design > Start Design/Check command.

  3. Right click on a beam while the design results are displayed to enter the interactive design mode and interactively design the beam using the Interactive Composite Beam Design and Review form. If you are not currently displaying design results, click the Design menu > Composite Beam Design > Interactive Design command and then right click a beam to enter the interactive design mode for that beam.

  4. Use the Interactive Composite Beam Design and Review form to complete the interactive design and review: The form is divided into two sides. The items on the left side of the form, which include a list of acceptable designs from which you can choose, let you control the beam design. The items on the right side of the form display information on the beam and the selected design, or let you access more detailed information.

Use the left side of the form to control the beam design:

A design consists of a section, shear stud distribution. camber, and a number of design checks that all must be satisfied for the design to be acceptable. Deflection, vibration, shear, positive and negative moment design checks are performed for all the considered design load combinations. Unless the beam is shored during construction, the design loads and load combinations must consider construction loading. The list of designs shows each section name, shear stud distribution, camber, and controlling stress ratio. The controlling ratio is the largest of the design ratios evaluated in each of the design checks.

When a design is selected from the list, the details of the design checks are shown on the right side of the form. If you click OK and the selected design differs from the initial beam design, you will be asked if you want to apply the selected design to the beam. If you choose to do so and the beam is part of a group and and that design group was considered in the design of the beam, all the beams in the design group will also be redesigned. If the beam is not part of a design group, but there are stories similar to the story it is on and the Similar Stories mode or All Stories mode is active, all the beams in the same location on similar stories, or on all stories depending on the mode, will also be redesigned.

The items on the right side of the form cannot be edited; they display information on the beam and the selected design or allow access to more detailed information.

See also

Composite Beam Design Procedure