Use the Grid System Data form to add, modify, or delete a grid line in Plan for a general system.
Grid System edit box. The name displayed in this edit box is the name of the system specified using the Coordinate/Grid Systems form. This name can be changed by typing a revised name in the edit box.
Grid Lines in Plan display area. This area of the form lists the grid lines comprising the grid system. The initial grid lines, if any, reflect the number of grid lines in the X and Y directions specified using the Define Grid System Data form (i.e., before the regular system was converted to a general system).
Add New Grid Line button. Click this button to display the Grid Line form and specify the parameters to define a new grid line.
Add Modify/Show Grid Line button.
Highlight the ID of the grid line to be reviewed or modified in the Grid Lines in Plan display area.
Click the Add Modify/Show Grid Line button to display the Grid Line form.
Use the form to modify the definition of the selected grid line, including the type of line (straight or arc), the X and Y coordinates for the grid line, bubble size, color and other items.
Delete Grid Line button.
Highlight the name of the grid line to be deleted in the Grid Lines in Plan display area.
Click the Delete Grid Line button to delete the selected grid line.
Define Z Grid Lines button. Click this button to display the Define Grid System Data form and review or modify the parameters used to specify the display of the grid lines, including the ID, location, line type, color and label bubble.
Coordinate System button. Click this button to display the Coord System Location and Orientation form and define a new coordinate system.
Access the Grid System Data form as follows: Click the Define menu > Coordinate Systems/Grid command, or right click in a blank area of a display window showing an undeformed shape and select the Edit Grid Data command from the resulting pop-up menu, to display the Coordinate/Grid Systems form. Then do one of the following: