Define Coordinate Systems/Grids

Form: Coordinate/Grid Systems

Use the Define menu > Coordinate System/Grids command to access the Coordinate/Grid Systems form. Alternatively, right click in a blank area of a display window showing an undeformed shape and select the Edit Grid Data command from the resulting pop-up menu to access the form. Use the Coordinate/Grid Systems form to (a) access other forms that can be used to add a new coordinate system and uniform grid, (b) convert a previously defined uniform (regular) grid system to a general (non-uniform) grid system, or (c) delete a previously defined coordinate/grid system.

Coordinate systems are defined by specifying their origins and orientations with respect to the fixed Global coordinate system. They are used to define the location and orientation of the associated grid system. Thus, coordinate systems are always defined as part of a coordinate/grid system pair. However, when only a coordinate system is needed, such as when viewing the model, defining the model (object local axes, loads, and the like), and reporting results, a coordinate/grid system can be defined with no grid lines.

A grid system is a set of intersecting lines used to aid in drawing the model. Grid systems may be Cartesian (rectangular), cylindrical, or general. Each grid system is defined with respect to its own coordinate system, so, as indicated previously, grid and coordinate systems are defined together as a single entity. An unlimited number of coordinate/grid systems can be defined, each with a unique name.

A regular system is any coordinate/grid system having a Cartesian (rectangular) or cylindrical grid system. A general system is a system comprised of arbitrarily defined grid lines. The Define Grid Data form can be used to define a regular system. To determine if a previously defined system is a regular or general system, access the Coordinate/Grid Systems form and highlight the system name in the Systems display area. If the Convert to General Grid check box is NOT checked (with the system name highlighted), the grid system is a regular system.

The Global coordinate system always exists, and has its own grid. All other systems are user defined with respect to the Global system.

Note:  Right clicking anywhere in an active window will display a drop-down menu of commands, including the Edit Grid Data command. Clicking that command will display the Coordinate/Grid Systems form.   

Use the following buttons and option on the Coordinate/Grid Systems form to define a new coordinate/grid system:

Define a regular system as follows:

Define a general system as follows:

Any coordinates defined with respect to the deleted system will be converted to global coordinates. If a system selected to be deleted is in use as part of some other definition in the model, it cannot be deleted.

Example:  Definition of a coordinate system/grid is demonstrated in Problem A, Problem C, Problem V,  and Problem Z.