General Section


Access the General Section form as follows:

Click the Define menu > Section Properties > Frame Sections command or select a frame object and click the Assign menu > Frame > Frame Sections command to display the Frame Properties form. The Frame Properties form also can be accessed by clicking the + (plus) symbol that may appear next to a {Type} Section drop-down list, such as appears on the {Template} forms.

Then do one of the following:

    • Click the Import New Property button to access the Import Frame Section Property form.

      1. Select Other from the Frame Section Property Type drop-down list.

      2. Click the General button.

    • Click the Add New Property button to access the Property Data form. Use the form to specify the property data, which the program will use to generate the section; then click the OK button to access the General Section form.

    • Highlight the name of a previously defined angle section in the Properties area/Find this Section list on the left side of the  Frame Properties form and click the Modify/Show button.

If the Import New Property button is used and a database containing the selected section type has already been accessed, a form listing the sections of that type in that database will appear; choose the sections to be imported from the list by highlighting them. Note that clicking the + (plus) symbol preceding the Materials drop-down list will access the Define Materials form, which can be used to add or modify the material definition associated with the selected section type.

If sections of the specified type are not included in the database, a form to select another database to be imported will appear; choose a database from the list. If the selected type of section is not included in that database, an error message will display. To switch to another database, see the Note below.


Note:  When the Import drop-down list is used, the General Section form will include an Open File button; click that button to access a form listing the various section database files available. After choosing a database, a form listing the individual sections within the selected database will appear. Choose the sections to be imported from the list and click the OK button to display the General Section form.